Pre-sumer civilizations

Sumer is thought to be the first civilization with laws and a system of writing in form of cuneiform scripts from around 3000 BC. We are now going to look upon some finds that may conflict with this view of history. Is it really true that Sumeria was the first advanced human civilization?

The tartaria tablets

These are three tablets found in Romania, dating around 5300 BC. The interesting thing with these tablets is that they have upon them symbols that resemble writing, though there is not found a translation/meaning for them. One is circular, two rectangular and only two of them has a hole carved through them.

Tărtăria (Romania, Hungarian name: Tatárlaka) ...
Image via Wikipedia

Göbekli Tepe

A site located at a mountain top in southeastern Anatolia. In which there was found buried large carved monolithic T-shaped pillars. The carvings resemble various animals and a small number of anthropomorphic figures. It is believed to be the oldest known religious site in the world and is dated to around 10 000 BC. There is a mystery to the site as well, because there is evidence that suggests that the site was deliberately buried around 8000 BC.

Baigong Pipes

Multiple mysterious iron pipes which are very old located by a mountain called Baigong in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China. I do remember seeing carbon dating tests done on these, but regretfully I do not remember the age. Local folklore say that these were made by aliens. Which sounds silly, but it may not seem so silly once you see the 60 meter tall iron pyramid which is said to be located at the foot of the mountain.

China has many pyramids. Regrettably, we do not hear much about them. The Chinese government does not allow scientific research on these grounds.

There is more, but we will talk about that some other time. Good night!
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